COVID – 19
Cancom Answering Solutions is an essential service that will remain open 24/7. With 30 years’ experience, we will continue to serve our customers’ communications needs during this difficult and uncertain time.
In the event of self-isolation or the government has forced your office to close WE CAN HELP!
Everything is a question mark! Schools, malls, weddings, toilet paper, essential, non-essential, the list is endless.
Let us help with your business question mark! Or better yet, Back Up Your Business (BUYB). Your phone lines will still be answered and immediately, you will be messaged or emailed to notify you of any emergencies… With Technology, it really can be that simple.
Most companies are asking staff to work from home, that is great but who is answering your phone?? Allow your staff to work in a safe home environment and let Cancom be your Front Desk. Messages will be sent to the appropriate person or On Call and business as usual.
A Very BIG Thank you to my dedicated Customer Care Agents.
It is important to recognize the remarkable dedication of my staff. They are very compassionate and willing to go above and beyond to help those in need.
To ensure their safety, the office will be closed to the public.
We are hopeful that everyone adheres to sanitizing often and the social distancing guidelines so we can end this epidemic quickly. I strongly encourage you to put a BUYB in place today!
We are all in this together. Take care, stay safe and let’s look after each other.
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