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Customer Service Industry

Customer Service, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?

Are you tired of waiting on hold? As you listen to elevator music, occasionally you will hear a recording saying you are now 22nd in cue (this is The Bad) or in some cases even worse. After waiting 40 minutes, you finally get someone live and end up saying “I’m sorry, I’ll transfer you to the right department” and it starts all over again (this is The Ugly) Read More

Covid 19

COVID – 19
Cancom Answering Solutions is an essential service that will remain open 24/7. With 30 years’ experience, we will continue to serve our customers’ communications needs during this difficult and uncertain time.

In the event of self-isolation or the government has forced your office to close WE CAN HELP!

Everything is a question mark! Schools, malls, weddings, toilet paper, essential, non-essential, the list is endless. Read More